1969 - 1972 GM Pick Up Rear Leaf Spring, 3390 lbs capacity, 7(6/1) leaf
- Painted to Protect from Rust and Corrosion
- Bushings Included
- Sold Per Side - Order Quantity 2 for a pair
- Spring Capacity = 3390 lbs
- Width = 2-1/2
- # of Leaves = 7(6/1)
- Measures (A/B) = 26 x 26
- Pack Thickness = 2-13/16
- Includes Bushings
- Sold Per Side - Order Quantity 2 for a pair
- Number of Leaves:
- 7(6/1)
- Width:
- 2-1/2
- Spring Capacity:
- 3390
- Location:
- Rear
so far (good)
so far (good)